

Email an Sponsoren

(Als Absender/Reply-to bitte Deine persönliche E-Mail)


Subject: SoCraTes Teilnehmerregistrierung: Wichtige Informationen für Ihre reservierten Slots

Ansprache hier
Sie haben bei der diesjährigen SoCraTes Anzahl reservierte Plätze. Damit diese in Anspruch genommen werden können, benötigen wir von Ihnen folgende Informationen zu den dafür vorgesehenen Teilnehmern:

  • Name
  • E-Mail Adresse

Wir werden jede(n) Teilnehmer(in) anschreiben und ihr/ihm das weitere Vorgehen erläutern. Jede(r) Teilnehmer(in) muss sich persönlich registrieren!

Sollten Sie noch Fragen haben, scheuen Sie sich nicht, mit uns/mir Kontakt aufzunehmen.

Vielen Dank und herzliche Grüße,
das SoCraTes Orga Team


Subject: SoCraTes Participant Registration: Important Information About Your Reserved Slots

Dear Sir or Madam,
you have reserved count participant slots at this year's SoCraTes conference. To claim those, please supply the following information about each participant:

  • name
  • e-mail address

We will contact all participants individually and explain the subsequent procedure. Every participant must register personally!

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us/me.

Thank you for your time, and with best regards,
the SoCraTes organizers

Email an Teilnehmer mit Sponsoren-Spot


Subject: WICHTIG: Teilnahme an der diesjährigen SoCraTes

Hallo Name,
du hast im Rahmen des Sponsorings einen reservierten Teilnehmerplatz für die SoCraTes 2016. Damit Du diesen in Anspruch nehmen kannst, musst Du Dich nur noch auf unserer Registrierungsseite anmelden. Bitte folge diesem Link:ÖNLICHERCODE

Solltest Du noch Fragen haben, nimm einfach mit uns/mir Kontakt auf.

Liebe Grüße,
das SoCraTes Orga Team


Subject: IMPORTANT: Your slot at this year's SoCraTes conference

Hello name,

you are eligible to a reserved participant slot at SoCraTes 2016. In order to claim it, all you need to do is sign up at our registration page. Please follow this link:ÖNLICHERCODE
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us/me.

Kind regards,
the SoCraTes organizers

E-Mail an Teilnehmer

Adresse unvollständig

Subject: IMPORTANT: Your address given at the SoCraTes registration
Hello name,

We have noticed that the address you specified when you registered appears to be incomplete.

The German standard for addresses is:
Street + Number + Other information
Zip code + City
Country (only required if outside of Germany)

Please be so kind and complete the address (home and / or billing address) as quickly as possible. We need correct and complete addresses to be able to perform the hotel reservation.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us/me.

Kind regards,
the SoCraTes organizers

Heimatadresse ist die Firmenadresse

Subject: IMPORTANT: Your address given at the SoCraTes registration
Hello name,

We have noticed that the home address you specified when you registered appears to be the address of your employer and not your personal address.

Please be so kind and change the home address as quickly as possible. We need your private address to be able to perform the hotel reservation.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us/me.

Kind regards,
the SoCraTes organizers

Rumänischen Teilnehmer mit verwirrende Adressenformat und / oder umdreher bei Vor- und Nachname

Subject: IMPORTANT: Your address given at the SoCraTes registration
Hello name,

We have noticed that the address you specified as you registered does not correspond to the German standard.

The German standard for addresses is:
Street + Number + Other information
Zip code + City

something like this:
StrataMea 75-77 bloc X, scara Y, apartament Z
4000XXX OraşulMeu

Please be so kind and correct the address/es as quickly as possible.

Textpassage hinzufügen falls zutreffend

(It also seems as if you have swapped your first (= given name) and last name (= surname). In that case, please correct this as well.)

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us/me.

Kind regards,
the SoCraTes organizers

Bestätigen der Teilnahme: 1. Mahnung

Subject: IMPORTANT: Confirm or decline your SoCraTes registration
Hey y'all,

We've sent you a confirmation on date that you are participant in SoCraTes, and we asked you to confirm your participation, but you haven't done this yet. There may be several reasons:

  1. You are no longer interested in participating.

-> Fine by us. Can you please tell us so explicitly? This helps us rule out technical issues and the like.

  1. You received the email but did not read it.

-> Please change your habits. We will send you a few more emails about SoCraTes, and we need you to either be informed or to answer our questions.

  1. You did not receive the email.

-> This is serious. We need to be able to be in touch with you. Please change your email address (log in to, go to "View Profile" in the menu under your name in the upper right-hand corner, and on your profile click the Edit button in the upper right-hand corner) or sort out your spam folder.

In any case, if you want to know what room you are in, log in to Your current choice is highlighted in the table. If you want to stay longer, please tell me in your reply.

the SoCraTes Orga-Team

Bestätigen der Teilnahme: 2. Mahnung

Subject: IMPORTANT: Confirm or decline your SoCraTes registration

Hello name,

We've sent you a confirmation on date and date that you are participant in SoCraTes, and we asked you to confirm or decline your participation, but you haven't done this yet.

Please confirm or decline your participation until date, otherwise you will lose your place and need to register again in a waitinglist if you want to participate.

the SoCraTes Orga-Team